MacBook Liquid Damage Repair

Take a spill?
We say “liquid damage” because, honestly, it’s quite possibly not water that made its way into your keyboard. Soup, beer, soda, iced tea, milk, etc. are all possibilities. Fortunately, we’re not picky. We are, however, specialists in liquid damage repair.
Better Than a Bag of Rice
Home remedies are great. That said, why risk further damage to your phone? Simply bring your waterlogged device in as soon as possible and let us have a look.
Time Is Important
We want to respect your schedule. Once we've agreed upon a final completiontime, rest assured that it will be met. We also offer rush service for when you need it back ASAP.
Always the Right Price
Typically, we charge $125-$195 for liquid damage repairs on MacBook and MacBook Pro laptops, and $90 for liquid-damaged phones.
Proudly Employing Only Apple Certified Technicians

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